YonarWeb |||
- Peso: 2Kb
- Tamano: 400x121px
- Descripcion: Es el banner que actualmente tiene el encabezado de la web, una combinacion entre colores negro, blanco, vinotinto y azul.
- Peso: 1Kb
- Tamaño: 300x98px
- Descripcion: Tiene un Fondo Azul y pintas negras, un trazado azul y naranja, unos corazones uno blanco y negro y el otro azul transparente.
- File Size: 86.5Kb
- Image Size: 128x128px
- Description: A four-legged creature that crawls in the wild. Though it may look scary, a newt will cause no harm to human beings. It won't eat us, okay?
- Author: Lim Chee Aun
- File Size: 87.1Kb
- Image Size: 128x128px
- Description: This image/icon is based on the original icon of Mozilla 1.0. Since this icon is created from scratch, it's not owned by mozilla.org. It's mine